

We have the infrastructure to ensure that products are developed, manufactured, tested under highest quality standards before being delivered. Our quality control department plays a key role in ensuring that the products are developed and manufactured to standards that meet and exceed expectations. The incoming raw material undergoes a rigorous schedule of physical tests and chemical analysis to ensure propriety of use. Our quality control laboratory has the latest testing devices for obtaining the most accurate result of our testing. During the manufacturing process floor supervisors conduct hands-on, on line analytical tests thought out the production and packaging processes to ensure consistency in end product quality.


We takes its role of a global citizen as a very serious responsibility. Every decision is weighed against the impact it would have on the immediate society at the micro level and the global environment at the macro level. Systems have been put in place and procedures are implemented that ensure minimalistic damage to the ecosphere due to the manufacturing processes. We deploy, employ and implement environmentally friendly solutions that eliminate chemicals from the environment, reduce greenhouse gases, save water and reduce sound emissions.


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